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A beautiful living room with large windows and soft furnighings and wood floors for an article about UV damage to furniture

How does UV light damage furniture & wood floors?

You’ve invested a lot in your home and want your furniture and floors to look as good as the day you purchased them. Let’s explore the hidden culprit behind the fading and damage to your furniture and wood floors: UV light. Did you know that UV light is responsible for 40% of the fading in your floors and furniture?

Causes of Fading from Sun crop -

You might be familiar with UV light’s role in sunburns, but did you know that it’s also responsible for degrading the beauty and structural integrity of your cherished furnishings and flooring? In this post, we’ll dive deep into the science of UV light and photodegradation, examining the various ways it affects furniture and wood floors, from fading colors to weakening wood fibers. We’ll also offer valuable tips on how to protect your home from these harmful effects, such as using window coverings and UV-resistant films like Concord Window Film’s ComforTech™ Ceramic Series. So, join us as we shed light on this invisible threat to your home’s interior and learn how to preserve the longevity and appearance of your furniture and wood floors.

What is UV light?

UV (ultraviolet) light is a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light but longer than X-rays. It is present in sunlight and can also be emitted by some artificial light sources. UV light is a main contributor to furniture & floors fading through a process called photodegradation.

Here is how UV light damages furniture & wood floors:

Fading of colors and finishes

UV light can cause the dyes, pigments, and finishes used in furniture and wood flooring to break down or lose their color, leading to fading or discoloration. This is particularly noticeable in fabrics, upholstery, and wood stains.

Degradation of wood fibers

UV light can break down the lignin and cellulose in wood, the natural polymers that give wood its strength and structural integrity. Over time, this can cause the wood to become weak, brittle, and more susceptible to cracking, warping, or splitting.

Chemical reactions

UV light can induce chemical reactions in the materials that make up furniture and wood floors. These reactions can cause the formation of new compounds or the breakdown of existing ones, which can lead to discoloration, loss of strength, or other forms of damage.


UV light can also cause oxidation, a process in which oxygen molecules in the air react with the materials in furniture and wood floors. This can lead to changes in color, texture, and strength.

How to Protect Your Furniture & Floors

To protect furniture and wood floors from UV damage, it’s important to minimize their exposure to direct sunlight. This can be done by using window coverings like curtains, blinds, or UV-resistant window films like Concord Window Film’s ComforTech™ Ceramic Series film. ComforTech™ blocks >99% of harmful UV from entering your home!

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